Combat Basics
You face an enemy with Health, just as you have health. You must defeat the enemy with your basic attacking ability, or 3 'Skills' which are powerful or magical abilities. You must maintain at least 1 Health and Energy at all times.

Combat Recovery Items
MedKits - Recovers Health.
Batteries - Recovers Energy.
VoltBoxes - Recovers Shield.
You cannot eat food or use any other items during combat. Make sure to recover using food outside of combat, to save your combat recovery items for battles.

Skills are combat abilities that can cause damage to the opponent, recover health, or cause various battle effects. Your character has 3 basic skills to start with, and can only have 3 active at any given time. Healing skills cannot fail, but other skills can be dodged or prevented by the opponent. View or change your skills through the Skillbook Menu.

Damage Stack Effect
Every single turn in battle, total damage done is increased by 5%. This effects everyone in the battle, both players and opponents. This principal of combat keeps battles from lasting too long, and makes healing a less effective tool as the battle continues.

Enemy Types
Creatures - Standard evolutionary creatures of a planet. You can obtain meat/food as well as experience by casually hunting them on worlds. They'll never attack you first.
Guardians - Mutated creatures of incredible power. They hunt interdimensional travelers, chasing ripples in spacetime and destroying those who created them. They remain a risk as you travel.
Bosses - Creatures of unnatural power and strength. They have been manipulated by spacetime and are incredibly dangerous.

Auto-Fight Combat
Auto Combat triggers the AI to play on your behalf for 3 consecutive turns in a row. The Combat AI will attempt to defeat the opponent while keeping your character alive.

AI Combat Rules

[1] You must have 3 skills equipped to AutoFight.

[2] The AI will prioritize using Skills, when possible.

[3] The AI only has permission to use Healing Skills when under 75% Health, and will focus their use if under 50%.

[4] The AI may use a Medkit if no healing skills are available, and the player is under half health. (Must be Enabled in Combat Options)

[5] The AI may use a Battery if under 10 Energy. (Must be Enabled in Combat Options)

[6] The AI may use the Class Ultimate skill when under 50% Health. (Must be Enabled in Combat Options)

[7] The AI will NEVER use a Voltbox.

LAST UPDATED: February 7, 2025